The Founding Fathers considered the Jury in the Judicial Branch of Government like the "lower House" of the Legislative Branch.
We the People of a Jury balance the natural autocratic or tyrannical tendency of a Judge when given unchecked power, in the same way the House balances the natural aristocratic tendency of the Senate.
Without Jurors to FORCE accountability and integrity in the Courtroom by both Prosecutors and Judges, then Tyranny rules, and Citizen RIGHTS are raped.
Read Reaganomics guru Dr. Paul Craig Roberts book "The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Police and Prosecutors Are Trampling on the Constitution in the Name of Justice".
Jefferson said if he should have to choose between one or the other in which to have a vote, he should have to choose the Judicial Branch, for it is more important, yet in Virginia the "VOTE" in the Judicial Branch, use of the Jury, has DECLINED NEARLY 70 per cent from 1999 to 2008.
That Jury Use DECLINE is like a Canary in a Coalmine warning of the threat of Tyranny, and the Death of Liberty!
Jury Justice...per Jefferson !
“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man
by which government can be held to the principles of its constitution...”
Remember Jefferson's Words in the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, one of the “organic elements” of our law in America even today, wrote: “The history of the present... is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, ...for depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by Jury.”
How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling on the Constitution in the Name of Justice
How to Win in Court - without a BARbarian...
Short Course to Long Term Plan to Reclaim Our Republic (click image)
Jury recorded by Jefferson Audio & Video System (JAVS) in Roanoke 23 Sep. a.d. 2009
Williamsburg-based National Center for State Courts SIGN UP for their weekly JUR-E newsletter
ImPEACH'em Institute for Justice
"The Business of every Patriot"
Jefferson Warned of Judiciary
Jefferson Cried for Justice by Impeaching Judges
"Judges whose erroneous biases are leading us to dissolution should be removed from the bench, it may, indeed, injure them in fame or fortune, but it saves the Republic" ~ TJ
Alleged Violators of Law are Indicted or Impeached... depending...
Indictment = Private Citizen Impeachment = Public Servant (NOT Public "Official") [Their DUTY is to SERVE YOU (and ME and ALL of US), not to be "officious" or "privileged" - Equal Justice for All.] Trial by Jury of Peers (fellow Citizens) for Private Citizen Trial by "Jury" of Senators for Public Servant ("Peers" being also Public Servants)
Trust People to right wrongs of government, if informed... - TJ
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government;... whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights." --Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, 1789. ME 7:253
Impeach Judges NOT Presidents!
Since the founding of our Republic, there have been 17 federal Impeachments. Most Americans know of President Clinton, and President Johnson, neither convicted in the Trial in the Senate, which is much like a Jury in its composition when performing the Impeachment Trial.
Of the rest 11 of the 17 federal Impeachments have been federal judges.Seven of the 11, or 63 per cent, have been convicted and removed from the Bench. One resigned from the Bench rather than face Trial by the Senate "jury" and likely be convicted, which raises the "success rate" for Impeachment of judges t0 72 per cent.
And fellow American Patriots, IMPEACHMENT is NOT "Ancient History". The last person IMPEACHED, CONVICTED and REMOVED as a PUBLIC SERVANT was... ... NIXON... NOT President Richard Nixon, rather... JUDGE WALTER NIXON of Mississippi in a.d. 1989... LESS THAN 20 YEARS AGO!
Three of the 11 federal judges IMPEACHED, CONVICTED and REMOVED from the Bench were in a.d. 1988 and a.d. 1989!!
So fellow Americans, TALK LOUDLY about IMPEACHMENT, but not to waste time against a President rather focus Citizens' and the Media's collective efforts against the irresponsible and dangerous biases of judges that threaten to destroy our Republic defined by this Constitution for the United States of America for which they show such disdain.